
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beatifications and Cannonizations by Blessed Pope John Paul 2

On 22 January 1588, with the Apostolic Constitution Immensa Aeterni Dei, Pope Sixtus V created the Sacred Congregation of Rites to regulate divine worship and to deal with the causes of saints.

During his pontificate, Pope John Paul II canonized 482 (Saints) and beatified 1,340 (Blessed) people which is more than the total combined done by his predecessors.

List of saints canonized by Pope John Paul II
( 52 celebrations; 38 in the Vatican; 14 out of the office; 482 Saints)

20 June 1982  (Vatican Basilica)

 Crispin of Viterbo (1668–1750) - religious, OFM Capuchin 

10 October 1982 (Saint Peter's Square)

Maximilian Maria KolbeOFM (1894–1941) - priest, martyr, OFM Conventual

31 October 1982  (Vatican Basilica)

 Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620–1700) 
founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame

Jeanne Delanoue (1666–1736)
founder of the Congregation of St. Anne of Providence

16 October 1983  (Saint Peter's Square)

Leopold Mandic (1866–1942) - OFM Capuchin 

11 March 1984  (Saint Peter's Square)

Paula Frassinetti (1809–1882) 
virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Dorothea

6 May 1984 (Seoul, Korea)

Andrew Kim Taegon (1821-1846), first Catholic priest in Korea

21 October 1984 (Vatican Basilica)

Miguel Febres Cordero (1854–1910) 
religious, Institute of Brothers of Christian Schools

13 April 1986  (Saint Peter's Square)

Francis Anthony Fasani (1681–1742) - professed priest, OFM Conventual 

12 October 1986 (Vatican Basilica)

Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649–1713)
Cardinal of the Order of Clerics Regular Teatini 

18 October 1987  (Saint Peter's Square)

Lorenzo Ruiz (+1637) - secular

13 Filipino companions, martyrs in Japan

25 October 1987 (Saint Peter's Square)

Giuseppe Moscati (1880–1927) - secular

16 May 1988 (Asunción)

Roque González de Santa Cruz (1576–1628) - SI, martyrs

Roque González de Santa Cruz (1576–1628) - SI, martyrs
Alphonsus Rodriguez (+1628) - SI, martyrs
Juan de Castillo, SJ (1596–1628)- SI, martyrs

11 June 1988 (Messina, Italy)

virgin, clarissa Order of St. Francis 

19 June 1988 (Saint Peter's Square)

117 Vietnamese Martyrs (+1745–1862)
- Andrea Dung-Lac († 1839), priest  

- Thomas Tran Van Thien († 1838), seminarian
- Emmanuel Le Van Phung († 1859), secular

- Girolamo Hermosilla († 1861), Bishop of Eastern Vietnam, OPVescovo OP 

- Valentino Berrio Ochoa († 1861), Bishop of Central Tonkin

- 6 other bishops († 1861)- OP
- John Teofano Vénard († 1861), Priest MEP
-105 companions, Martyrs of Vietnam (1745-1862 †)

3 July 1988 (Vatican Basilica)

Simón de Rojas, O.SS. (1552–1624) - O.SS.

2 October 1988 (Saint Peter's Square)

Magdalen of Canossa (1774–1835)
virgin and founder of the Family Canossian Sons and Daughters of Charity

11 December 1988 (Vatican Basilica)

religious, Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation

9 April 1989 (Saint Peter's Square)

Clelia Barbieri (1847–1870) 
founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Low

1 November 1989 (Vatican Basilica)

Gaspar Bertoni (1777–1853) - )
priest, founder of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ 

Richard Pampuri, O.H. (1897–1930) – O.H.

12 November 1989  (Vatican Basilica)

Agnes of Bohemia (1211–1282) - religious Order of St. Chiara

10 December 1989  (Vatican Basilica)

Mutien-Marie Wiaux, FSC (1841–1917) - FSC

9 December 1990 (Vatican Basilica)

founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Montreal "Grey Nuns" 

17 November 1991 (Saint Peter's Square)

Raphael Kalinowski, OCD (1835–1907) -OCD

31 May 1992 (Vatican Basilica)

Claude de la Colombière, SJ (1641–1682)-

11 October 1992 (Santo Domingo)

Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz (1848–1906) - Bishop of Pasto, OAR

21 March 1993 (Vatican Basilica)

Mary of St. Ignatius (Claudine Thévenet) (1774–1837) 
virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary 

Teresa de Jesus de los Andes (Juana Fernández Solar) (1900–1920)
virgin, Discalced Carmelite

16 June 1993 (Madrid)

priest, founder of the Sisters of the Society of St. Teresa of Jesus

8 September 1993 (Riga, Latvia)

Saint Meinardo (1134/36–1196)
the first bishop of Livonia, now Latvia (restoration of worship

21 May 1995 (OlomoucCzech Republic)

John Sarkander (1576–1620) - priest, martyr  

Zdislava Berka (1220–1252) 
secular and mother, of the Third Order of St. Domenico

2 July 1995 (Košice,  Slovak Republic)

Marko Krizin (1588–1619) - Martyr of Košice
Stefan Pongracz (1582–1609) - Martyr of Košice
Melichar Grodziecki, SJ (1584–1619) - priests, SI, Martyr of Košice

3 December 1995 (Vatican Basilica)

Eugene de Mazenod (1782–1861) 
Bishop of Marseilles, 
Founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

2 June 1996 (Saint Peter's Square)

Jean-Gabriel Perboyre (1802–1840) 
priest and martyr of the Congregation of the Mission

  Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Francis Anthony Postillo) (1729–1812)
religious of the Order of Friars Minor

8 June 1997 (Kraków)

Hedwig, queen of Poland (1374–1399)

10 June 1997 (Krosno)

John of Dukla (1414–1484) - priest 

11 October 1998 (Saint Peter's Square)

religious professed Discalced Carmelite, martyr

18 April 1999 (Saint Peter's Square)

priest of the Society of Mary, founder of the Little Brothers of Mary (Marist Brothers)

John Calabria (1873–1954) - priest, 
founder of the Servants of the Poor and the Poor Servants of Divine Providence 

virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St.Giovanna Antida Thouret

16 June 1999 (Sącz, Poland)

Kinga of Poland (1234–1292) - Queen of Poland

21 November 1999 (Vatican Basilica)

Cyrill Bertrán and 8 Companions (+1934) 
Religious Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools, martyrs 

priest of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ

Benedict Menni, OH (1841–1914) 
priest of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, 
founder of the Hospital Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Thomas of Cori, OFM (1655–1729) - priest of the Order of Friars Minor

30 April 2000 (Saint Peter's Square)

virgin of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

21 May 2000 (Saint Peter's Square)

Cristóbal Magallanes Jara (1869–1927) - priest and 24 companions, priests and laymen, martyrs 

Pedro de Jesús Maldonado (1892-1937) - martyr

priest, founder of the Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor 

virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

1 October 2000 (Saint Peter's Square)

Augustine Chao (+1815) priest 
119 companions (1648-1930 †) -  Chinese Martyrs

virgin, foundress of the Servants of Jesus of Charity 

 Katharine Drexel (1858–1955)
virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of SS
Sacrament for Indians and people of color 

Josephine Bakhita (1869–1947) 
  virgin, of the Daughters of Charity, Canossian 

10 June 2001 (Saint Peter's Square)

Scrosoppi Louis (1804-1884)
priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Blacks, 
founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of St.Gaetano Thiene 

Roscelli Agostino (1818-1902)
priest, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Genoa

religious of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin

virgin, foundress of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

virgin, religious Lebanese Maronite Order

25 November 2001  (Saint Peter's Square)

Joseph Marello (1844-1895)
Bishop of Aqui, founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of St.Joseph

virgin, foundress of the Daughters of Mary Sisters of the Pious Schools 

virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales 

virgin, religious of the Third Order of St. Francis 

19 May 2002 (Saint Peter's Square)

Alonso de Orozco (1500-1591)
priest of the Order of St. Augustine, OSA

priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin  

religious of the Order of Friars Minor

virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Immaculate Conception

religious, foundress of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence

16 June 2002 (Saint Peter's Square)

Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) 
priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin

a lay of the Third Order of St. Francis, 
the founder of the Brothers and Sisters Bethlehemites Bethlehem

31 July 2002 (Mexico City)

Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (1474-1548) - secular

6 October 2002 (Saint Peter's Square)

Josemaría Escrivá (1902-1975) - priest, founder of Opus Dei 

4 May 2003 (Spain)

  a diocesan priest, martyr, founder of the Teresian, martyr

  professed priest of the Society of Jesus 

virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 
and the Holy Angels (known as Angelica)

Ángela de la Cruz (1846-1932) 
  virgin, foundress of the Society of the Cross

María Maravillas de Jesús (1891-1974) - virgin, Carmelita Scalza

18 May 2003 (Saint Peter's Square)

Jósef Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924), Bishop of Przemyśl
founder of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

virgin, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Agony

Maria de Mattias (1805-1866)
virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Adoration of the Blood of Christ

secular, founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Refuge on Mount Calvary 
and the Daughters of Our Lady on Mount Calvary

5 October 2003 (Saint Peter's Square)

Daniele Comboni (1831-1881)
 Bishop of Central Africa, founder of the Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 
and of Comboni Missionary Sisters of the Pious Mothers Nigrizia

Arnold Janssen (1837-1909)
 priest, founder of the Society of Divine Word,
the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit 
and the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration

Josef Freinademetz (1852-1908)
priest of the Society of Divine Word

16 May 2004 (Saint Peter's Square)

Luigi Orione (1872-1940)
priest, founder of the Little Work of Divine Providence 
and the Little Sisters of the Congregation of Missionaries of Charity

priest, founder of the Congregations of the Rogationist Fathers of the Sacred Heart 
and the Sisters of Divine Zeal

priest, founder of the Congregation of the Sons of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 
and the Missionary Daughters of the Holy Family of Nazareth

 a priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order

religious, foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Family 
and the Congregation of the Holy Family of Bergamo

Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962), mother


List of Persons Beatified by Pope John Paul II







Jacqueline Monnier
Jeanne Bourigault
Jeanne Fouchard Chalonneau
Jeanne Gourdon Moreau
Jeanne Gruget Doly
Jeanne Onillon
Jeanne Thomas Delaunay
Jeanne-Marie Leduc Paquier
Jeanne-Marie Sailland d'Epinatz
Louise Poirier Barré
Louise Rallier de la Tertinière Dean de Luigné
Louise-Aimée Dean de Luigné
Madeleine Blond
Madeleine Cady
Madeleine Perrotin Rousseau
Madeleine Sailland d'Epinatz
Madeleine Sallé
Marguerite Rivière Huau
Marguerite Robin
Marie Cassin
Marie de la Dive du Verdier
Marie Fasseuse
Marie Forestier
Marie Gallard Queson
Marie Gasnier Mercier
Marie Gingueneau Couffard
Marie Grillard
Marie Lardeux
Marie Lenée Lepage Varancé
Marie Leroy Brevet
Marie Leroy
Marie Pichery Delahaye
Marie Piou Supiot
Marie Rochard
Marie Roger Chartier
Marie Roualt Bouju
Marie-Anne Hacher du Bois
Marie-Geneviève Poulain de la Forestrie
Marie-Jeanne Chauvigné Rorteau
Marie-Louise du Verdier de la Sorinière
Marthe Poulain de la Forestrie
Monique Pichery
Perrine Bourigault
Perrine Grille
Perrine Laurent
Perrine Ledoyen
Perrine Phélyppeaux Sailland
Perrine-Jeanne Sailland d'Epinatz
Perrine-Renée Potier Turpault
Renée Bourgeais Juret
Renée Cailleau Girault
Renée Grillard
Renée Martin
Renée Regault Papin
Renée Seichet Dacy
Renée Valin
Renée-Marie Feillatreau
Rose Quenion
Simone Chauvigné Charbonneau
Victoire Gusteau


Anwarite Nangapeta (Aug. 15)
Catherine Troiani (Apr. 14)
Diego Luis de San Vitores, S.J., (Oct. 6)
Francisco Garate, S.J. (Oct. 6)
Jose M. Rubio y Peralta, S.J., (Oct. 6)
Pauline von Mallinckrodt, (Apr. 14)
Peter Friedhofen (June 23)
Pio Campidelli, C.P., (Nov. 17)


Antoine Chevrier (Oct. 4)



Bernardo Maria Silvestrelli, (Oct. 16)
Francisco Faa di Bruno, (Sept. 25)
Frederick Jansoone, (Sept. 25)
Honoratus Kozminski (Oct. 16)
Joseph Gerard (Sept. 11)
Joseph Nascimbeni (Apr. 17)
Kaspar Stangassinger, (Apr. 24)
Liberato Weiss, Nov. 20, Missionary Martyr of Ethiopia
Michele Pio Fasoli, Nov. 20, Missionary Martyr of Ethiopia
Niels Stensen (Nicolaus Steno) (October 23)
Pietro Bonilli, (April 24)
Samuel Marzorati, Nov. 20, Missionary Martyr of Ethiopia
Savina Petrilli (April 24)


7 Martyrs from Thailand (Philip Sipong, Sr. Agnes Phila, Sr. Lucia Khambang, Agatha Phutta, Cecilia Butsi, Bibiana Khampai, Maria Phon), (Oct. 22)
Elizabeth Renzi, Antonio Lucci (June 17)
Francisca Ana Cirer Carbonell (Oct. 1)
Gertrude Caterina Comensoli, (Oct. 1)
Giuseppe Baldo (Oct. 31)
Maria Catherine of Saint Augustine (Apr. 23)
Maria Margaret Caiani, (Apr. 23)
Maria of Jesus Siedliska, (Apr. 23)
Martin of Saint Nicholas, (Apr. 23)
Mary of Jesus of the Good Shepherd, (Apr. 23)
Melchior of Saint Augustine, (Apr. 23)
Mother Maria of Jesus Deluil-Martiny (Oct. 22)
Niceforo de Jesus y Maria (Vicente Diez Tejerina and 25 Companions (martyred in Spain), (Oct. 1)
Timothy Giaccardo, (Oct. 22)
Victoria Rasoamanarivo (Apr. 30)


Three Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala
Elisabeth Vendramini (Nov. 4)
Jose Maria de Yermo y Parres (May 6)
Louise Therese de Montaignac de Chauvance, (Nov. 4)
Maria Schinina, (Nov. 4)
Marthe Aimee LeBouteiller, (Nov. 4)
Philip Rinaldi (Apr. 29)

Adolph Kolping (Oct. 27)
Angela Salawa (Aug. 13)
Annunciata Cocchetti (Apr. 21)
Boleslava Lament (June 5)
Clara Bosatta (Apr. 21)
Marie Therese Haze (Apr. 21)


122 Martyrs of Spanish Civil War, (Oct. 25)
17 Irish Martyrs, (Sept. 27)
Francesco Spinelli (June 21, Caravaggio, Italy)
Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra (Sept. 27)
Maria de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas (Nov. 22)
Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa, (Sept. 27)
Rafael Arnáiz Barón, (Sept. 27)


Aurelio Maria
Dina Belanger (March 20)
Eleven martyrs of Almeria, Spain, during Spanish Civil War (2 bishops, 7 brothers, 1 priest, 1 lay person); (Oct. 10)
Evencio Ricardo
Florida Cevoli (May 16)
Jose Cecilio
Ludovico of Casoria, (April 18)
Marie-Louise Trichet, (May 16)
Maurice Tornay, (May 16)
Pedro Poveda Castroverde (October 10)
Stanislaus Kazimierczyk (April 18, cult solemnly recognized)
Teodomiro Joaquin
Valerio Bernardo Maria Crucified Satellico
Victoria Diez y Bustos de Molina, (October 10)


Elizabeth Canori Mora; (Apr. 24)
Eugenia Joubert, (Nov. 20)
Hyacinthe Marie Cormier, (Nov. 20)
Petra of Saint Joseph Perez Florida, (Oct. 16)


109 Martyrs (64 from French Revolution - Martyrs of La Rochelle - and 45 from Spanish Civil War), (Oct. 1)
Grimoaldo of the Purification (January 29)
Marguerite Bays (October 29)
Maria Alvarado Cordozo, (May 7)
Maria Bernarda Butler (October 29)
Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini, (May 7)
Maria Helena Stollenwerk, (May 7)
Mary Theresa Scherer, (October 29)
Modestino of Jesus and Mary, (January 29)
Peter ToRot (January 17)
Pietro Casini (October 1)


Edmund Rice, (Oct 6)
Gennaro Sarnelli (priest) (May 12)
Ignacy Franczuk
Jan Andrzejuk
Konstanty Bojko
Konstanty Lukaszuk
Lukasz Bojko
Maksym Hawryluk
Maria Ana Mogas Fontcuberta (Oct 6)
Maria Antonia Bandres (religious) (May 12)
Maria Raffaella Cimatti, (religious) (May 12)
Michal Wawryszuk
Onufry Wasyluk
Wincenty Lewoniuk


Bartholomew Mary Dal Monte (September 27)
Emilie d'Hooghvorst, (October 12)
Enrico Rebuschini, priest (May 4)
Frédéric Ozanam (Aug. 22)
Giovanni Piamarta, (Oct. 12)
Maria Encarnacion Rosal of the Sacred Heart, (May 4)


11 Spanish nuns (May 10)
Faustino Miguez, (Oct. 25)
Giovanni Maria Boccardo, (May 24)
Giuseppe Tovini (Sept. 20)
Jakob Kern, (June 21)
María Sallés, (Mar. 15)
Nimatullah al-Hardini, (May 10)
Secondo Polla (May 23)


6 Augustinian Recollect Companions, (Mar. 7)
Ferdinando Maria Baccilieri, (Oct. 3)
Manuel Martin Sierra, (Mar. 7)
Mariano da Roccacasale, (Oct. 3)
Nicola da Gesturi (Oct. 3)
Nicolas Barre, (Mar. 7)
Regina Protmann, (June 13)
Vicente Soler, (Mar. 7)


Ambrósio Francisco Ferro and 28 Companions
Andrew of Phó Yên (March 5)


José Aparicio Sanz


Aloisius Variara
Hyacinth of Englene
Johannes Baptist av Oaxaca
Maria de Chappotin de Neuville



Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1904-1955)
Augusto Czartoryski (1858-1893)
Charles of Austria (1887-1922)
Eusebia Palomino Yenes (1899-1935)
Giulia Nemesia Valle (1847-1916)
Joseph-Marie Cassant (1878-1903)
Maria Ludovica De Angelis (1880-1962)
María Guadalupe García Zavala (1878-1963)
Pere Tarrés i Claret (1905-1950)
Pina Suriano (1915-1950)

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