
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pope John Paul II - "The Energetic & Hard Working Pope"

Everyone who has known and been with him attests that Pope John Paul 2 
is not only a man of prayers but also hardworking. 

He regarded himself as a priest...A man for others.

As a Priest, As a Bishop, As a Cardinal and as a Pope
He presided and officiated all the sacraments: baptisms, confirmations, confessions, Eucharist & communions, weddings, ordinations & annointing of the sick.

He wrote more than 1000 magisterial documents

He kept updated on issues around him as well as around the world

Wrote and delivered more than 3,500 addresses/speeches during his international & pastoral trips and more than 1,500 during for his general audiences in Vatican.

He beatified 1,338 (blessed) and canonized 482 (saints)

Had regular meetings with his prefect and held regular gatherings of bishops and cardinals

He visited the sick 

He traveled, met with foreign dignitaries/diplomats & religious leaders 
and  held huge summits in both big cities and small islands

He always shared Christ with us and never failed to give his "Urbi et Orbi" 
even during his final days

He performed his "Eucharistic Duties" as a Simple Priest"

Blessed Pope John Paul 2, you are really Jesus Christ's gift to mankind
We are lucky, you have been sent and lived in our time
Thank you Lord!

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